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Your success as a professional painter or decorator depends on your skill and experience. But how can you breathe life into your vision without the
In this video Carla Hedman from Trusted House Painter discuss the feel of Light and Airy colors, from Carla’s Free PDF download – Best Paint Colors For Bedroom Walls.
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Paul: The second factor that you identify in the PDF is rooms that feel light and airy. What do you mean by that?
Carla: Well what I like to say, well light is pretty easy you know. You think it’s not dark so it’s bright or light. And airy, think of breezy fresh, you know you don’t think warm you feel like it’s just like a little kiss of a breeze so it’s not cold it’s not, it’s not hard on the eyes.
Really what those sort of light and airy sort of feels are just that it doesn’t feel like colors coming at you. There’s a bit of a presence of color but again, it’s pretty quiet just like the soft and warm. It’s just quiet but we’ve gone a little cooler so you’re going to end up on the cooler side of the color wheel. So you’re going to be looking at blues and greens and sometimes purples in this direction.
Paul: I see so perhaps if you had like dark hardwood floors or even like a dark wood interior something like a light and airy color will help offset the dark cavey feel. Is that what you mean?
Carla: Exactly, exactly! So it does tend to be really nice to sleep in they’re great from great kind of colors for bedrooms because you know a lot of people like to sleep with the window open same idea you get that nice cool breeze same idea with that. It’s very relaxing and calming on the mind.
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