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Why You Need to Back Roll Stucco When Spray Painting

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All right so when you’re spraying always when you’re spraying stucco mind you always remember that stucco has lots of little cracks on every angle so let me show you exactly what i’m talking about when you look up you can’t really see any spots it looks really good so when you’re looking up it looks good but then when you come and you look down you can see there’s all those little tiny areas that have not been painted because clay was spraying upwards so if you look at this you can see all the little white marks but when you look upwards it looks really good now keep in mind this is what most people see is when they look up however the neighbors or looking at a window will see all of these little white spots so that’s why we use a back roller a roller a real fat roller and what we do is we back roll and it gushes it in all of those areas as you can see all these little white spots through here so it may look good from down here but it doesn’t look good from up here and so that’s why we back roll with pretty much every single coat and this is what it looks like when it’s done it’s real thick real heavy you look down it looks great you look up it looks great you look to the left it looks great and then it looks great when it comes back to the ray that’s how you do it guys when you’re spraying stucco make sure you back roll use a big fat 20 ml maybe a 30 mil roller put it on heavy use the back roller and you avoid getting all of those little white spots that you see there right clay yep.

Azeez Tirimisiyu Osun State Nigeria Painting

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